Vote for the Best Picture

This is your chance to vote for the best picture from my Commencement '96 Photo Album. Make your choice by selecting the radio button under the picture for which you'd like to vote. Then submit this form.

[ Top | Commencement '96 Photo Album | The Beth Mini-Album | The Rhonda Mini-Album | Voting Results ]

[Krista and her beautiful smile]

[Me sandwiched between Leah and Jillian]


[Alicia, Jillian, Sandy, Leah, and Dave]

[Joti, Cathie, and Ching]

[Leah and Dave]

[Bev Jones and Leah]

[Jill and Monika]

[Bev Huang and Leah]


[Karen and Kelly]


[Leah and Jillian]

[Christina, Vineeta, and me]

[Beth and me]

[Karen and Beth]

[Beth and Trevor]

[Beth 1]

[Beth 2]

[Beth 3]

[Beth 4]

[Rhonda and me]

[Rhonda and Joti]

[Cathie and Rhonda]


The following information is optional:


Email address:

Comments about your chosen picture:

[ Top | Commencement '96 Photo Album | The Beth Mini-Album | The Rhonda Mini-Album | Voting Results ]

Made in Canada/Fabriqué au CanadaLiam Quinn's home page

Last updated December 7, 1997 by Liam Quinn <>