Please send any suggestions or bug reports concerning CSSCheck to liam@htmlhelp.com.
- November 3, 2019
- Added support for checking HTTPS URLs.
- August 1, 2005
- CSSCheck no longer restricts the white-space
property to block-level elements. This restriction was removed in the
errata for the CSS1 specification
and in CSS 2.1.
- November 11, 2001
- CSSCheck no longer complains if vertical-align
is applied to a td or th
element, which is permitted in CSS2 but not CSS1.
- May 17, 1999
- Updated most properties to reflect changes in CSS2. Also added support for some new CSS2 properties. CSS2 properties still unsupported now generate warnings instead of errors.
- February 19, 1998
- Password-protected style sheets can now be fetched using a URL of the form http://user:password@www.foo.com/stylesheet.css. FTP URLs are now supported as well.
User name and password in an HTTP URL are invalid according to RFC 1738, but CSSCheck accepts it for the sake of convenience.
- August 22, 1997
- Updated CSSCheck to reflect changes in the 19-Aug-1997 version of the CSS Positioning Working Draft.
- August 4, 1997
- Added support for Aural Cascading Style Sheets.
- August 1, 1997
- Added linking of URLs (e.g., background images) in the source input listing. Partial URLs are only linked when a style sheet is fetched from the Web.
- July 29, 1997
- Officially released CSSCheck, with support for CSS1 and CSS Positioning.