Guide to frames usage
Using frames: Some examples of bad frames usage
The following list is an incomplete overview of some applications of
frames that serve no useful purpose, and often irritate or upset
visitors. If you have any suggestions for
this list, please mail me
so I can add it to this list.
- Framing another site: if one site includes a FRAME tag in its frameset that points
to another site, then all links in that document will lead to updates
in the frame. Sometimes this is done intentionally (because the author
of the first site wants to claim that the other site is his), and
sometimes by accident (he forgot
on some
- Preventing bookmarking, forcing people to go through the front
page whenever they want to return: as it is not possible to bookmark
a combination of frames, only the initial document, frames can be used
to force people to come back "through the front door" at all times.
- Frames to display static content: although things like a table of
contents or navigation bars are handy to have on-screen at all times,
things like a logo or an advertisement banner are not. Once you've seen
them, they only take up screen space that could have been used for
something useful.

Last modified: 31 Mar 1997.
Feedback: galactus@htmlhelp.com
Copyright © 1996 - 2006.
Arnoud "Galactus"
Engelfriet. All rights reserved.