Commencement '96 Photo Album

Some background music for this page (8 kB MIDI)

Welcome to my Commencement '96 Photo Album, featuring many of the people who made my high school years so very memorable. It was great to see everyone at Commencement; I know I won't see them nearly enough now, so this photo album is my feeble attempt to make up for that.

[ Top | The Beth Mini-Album | The Rhonda Mini-Album | Vote for the Best Picture | Voting Results ]

Krista--showing off one of the world's most beautiful smiles, as usual. (23 kB JPEG)

That's me sandwiched between Leah and Jillian... a nice place to be :) (40 kB JPEG)

Vineeta, a.k.a. "Supermodel" (18 kB JPEG)

Alicia, Jillian, Sandy, Leah, and Dave (40 kB JPEG)

I couldn't resist... There's also a doctored version of this picture, with a few "minor" changes :)

Joti, Cathie, and Ching (32 kB JPEG)

Leah and Dave (39 kB JPEG)

Bev Jones and Leah (25 kB JPEG)

Jill and Monika (28 kB JPEG)

Bev Huang and Leah (36 kB JPEG)

Becky (18 kB JPEG)

Karen and Kelly (30 kB JPEG)

Sarah (20 kB JPEG)

Leah and Jillian (30 kB JPEG)

Christina, Vineeta, and me (28 kB JPEG)

[ Top | The Beth Mini-Album | The Rhonda Mini-Album | Vote for the Best Picture | Voting Results ]

The Beth Mini-Album

Some special background music--the song Beth and I danced to for the first time (29 kB MIDI)

Beth isn't the only one on this page who deserves extra attention, but my camera happened to find her a lot more than anyone else (and you'll see why). There are few people that I've known longer than Beth, and none that I've admired more...

I've been waiting a long time for a picture like this one... (27 kB JPEG)

Karen and Beth, both of whom I've known since I was 4 years old, making me one of the luckier guys around. (44 kB JPEG)

I know what you're thinking... Beth and Trevor instead of Beth and me? Hmmm... Maybe I'll have to look at some photo editing here :) (26 kB JPEG)

O, thou art fairer than the evening air
Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars.

--Christopher Marlowe, Faustus

(19 kB JPEG)

(35 kB JPEG)

(19 kB JPEG)

(29 kB JPEG)

[ Top | The Beth Mini-Album | The Rhonda Mini-Album | Vote for the Best Picture | Voting Results ]

The Rhonda Mini-Album

Rhonda was a good friend over my last few years of high school. I took four pictures of her at Commencement, but left with a strong feeling that I didn't take enough...

Rhonda and me... I wish I had more like this one. (17 kB JPEG)

Rhonda and Joti (23 kB JPEG)

Cathie and Rhonda (32 kB JPEG)

It is not night when I do see your face.

--William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act II, Scene i

(20 kB JPEG)

[ Top | The Beth Mini-Album | The Rhonda Mini-Album | Vote for the Best Picture | Voting Results ]

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Last updated March 23, 1997 by Liam Quinn <>